How to Change Your Humidifier Filter

Home School Care & Maintenance

As part of our Home Warranty Series, we've come up with step-by-step maintenance video guides for common house hold problems. In this video, you'll learn how to change your humidifier filter.

Here's how to change the filter in your humidifier:

1. Start by taking off the front cover to give you access to the humidifier filter.

2. To ensure your humidifier is off, go to the plumbing manifold and turn the valve perpendicular to the waterline. This will stop the water flow through the humidifier.

3. Remove the tray that houses your filter – open it up and slide the filter out.

4. Clean they tray thoroughly to get rid of all the calcium deposits that have built up over time.

Now, place a new humidifier filter into the freshly cleaned tray.

5. Pop the tray back into the humidifier, re-attach the cover, turn the water valve back on and you’re good to go.